What is one of the best ways to reduce Greenhouse Gases, improve local food reliance and improve local economies? Plant trees, especially ones that produce edible food or other valuable resources. As a wedding gift to Ian and Julia you and others can donate funds used to plan trees in either the non-profit eco-educational OUR Ecovillage near Shawnigan Lake (Vancouver Island) or to schools and communities in Uganda. OUR Ecovillage has a charitable arm that will issue you an income tax receipt. You can buy seedlings in $10 increments. These will be nut trees, part of creating their Zero Mile Eatery. They will care for the trees. To donate to this project do click on this nut symbol: 🌰 Trees in Uganda will help improve nutritional levels of school children with healthy fruit, a food they often lack. While your donation to Young Leaders Uganda (Yolou; www.youngleadersuganda.org ) will not give you a tax receipt it will provide far more trees per dollar and have a bigger imp...