My Plan A Response to the Coronavirus
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and,
(for most) the sense that life is weird, many are anxiously wondering whether
they or their loved ones will catch this virus. Governments are bleeding red
ink (about a generation’s worth!). Many are out of work, especially smaller businesses are
failing, the economy is in deep trouble, and nobody knows when, or even whether,
we will ever return to “normal.”
We can passively wait around and hope that a
vaccine will save the day (maybe, but it might take more than a year, and, as do all pharmaceuticals, it
will have side-effects ). Or we can empower ourselves
by building up our body’s natural immune system.
This novel coronavirus has not
been the first, nor the last, that will spread through the population. Can we
afford to shut down whole societies in an effort to defeat them, or will we
instead arm ourselves and thus enjoy healthier, longer, lives -viruses or not?
As it turns out worrying or stressing is hard
on our immune systems. Wouldn’t it be better to be empowered and feel safer?
People who suffer from chronic diseases (lung
conditions such as COPD, diabetes, hypertension, heart issues, or an autoimmune
illness) usually have poorer immune systems.
This is likely why these and smokers, others who are immune suppressed or
who are overweight are particularly susceptible
to the coronavirus and other viruses such as the cold and seasonal flu. These
are the people who especially need to avoid public contact and take the best
care of themselves.
Obviously the precautionary approach of avoiding
getting infected through frequent hand-washing (and moisturizing
to keep bugs from getting past your skin!), and physical distancing are the
most important. But if this, or any other virus, gets to you what kind of defense
do you have?
Our natural immunity.
Ideally we
would have been taking steps to create a robust immunity over the last few years. Like developing muscles, building a healthy
immune system takes time and effort. Enjoying more of a peace of mind, feeling
better, functioning better, and avoiding having to miss out on life makes this
effort worth-while!
There are a number of ways to enjoy a stronger immune system. Many of
these have an more immediate effect by reducing our stress levels, automatically
increases our immune power:
- Drinking enough liquids, such as water infused with some lemon. Refreshing, and good for you!
- Exercise and fresh air (preferably both); without these our bodies begin to fall apart
- Sleep, especially the hours between 10 - 2, receiving at least 7 or 8 hours per night on a regular routine, allows our immune system, brain and body functioning to work correctly
- Ensuring enough micronutrient absorption (see below)
- Laughter and fun!
- Meditation, mindfulness, prayer
- Singing and dancing -both stimulate our entire brain. Even listening to music appears to boost not only our mood but also our immune system!
- Write a gratitude journal.
- Social yet safe contact, a sense of belonging
- Contribute to the betterment of others and our amazing world in whatever way you can
Our bodies contain billions of bacteria necessary for life. Probiotics (composed of bacteria and yeasts) are very important for our gut health. Since most of our immune system exists in our guts it is extremely important that we take care of them through helpful diets (see below). We also gain beneficial bacteria directly from nature, which is why we need to spend time outdoors. Getting our hands and/or feet into live soils, and spending time with trees and being close to the ocean, can confer valuable health benefits for our bodies. "Soil microbes help regulate our emotions and immune response. And they
also play a key role in determining the nutrient content of our food," wrote the Washington Post. Similarly, while it is important that those most at risk from this virus keep away from most people, even they need to have some microbiome exchanges with other humans.
There is clear evidence in the scientific community of our body’s need
for micronutrients. This should surprise no-one as all of us need fuel in order
to function -not only starches and proteins, but a myriad of nutrients. Micronutrients
are essential to the immune system to kill viruses and other disease agents. In
terms of viruses, such as the common cold and the seasonal flu, the research
(such as is shown here
and here)
highlights the importance of having enough of these in our diets and/or supplementation:
- vitamins A, B, C, D3, & E
- zinc & selenium
- iron
- green tea (or extract; provides important compounds such as EGCG)
- three
amino acids in particular: Two are L-Lysine and N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
-amazing amino acids for a variety of reasons, including virus destruction and clearing out of mucus in our passageways. Both of these are found in bone broths (see below). One amino acid that is very important in terms of helping us to absorb nutrients (hence be healthy) is L-glutamine. It fuels the small intestinal cells and lymphocytes, a primary immune cell. A variety of amino acids do support our immune systems.
Vitamin C is likely the most crucial vitamin in our bodies when it comes to being healthy -in part
because it is an antioxidant. It cleans up oxidants before they injure us. Monocytes, key to our immune response, have high amounts of vitamin C. Antioxidant (vitamin C & others) foods include citrus fruits, broccoli, peppers, berries, kiwi fruit, tomatoes, cauliflower and mango. (As well, a powerful antioxidant found in citrus fruits called quercitin stops some viruses by preventing them from replicating and spreading.)
Want to know more about this important vitamin? Vitamin C has many other health benefits: it helps to detox & bind heavy metals, it serves as a fuel source for white blood cells, acts as a natural anti-histamine (think allergies), acts as a binding agent, helps to produce bile to digest fats such as vitamin A, D, E, K and omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin C also plays a role in collagen formation, which is one of the proteins our immune system needs to make antibodies.
There are a number of forms of vitamin C, too, so eating a variety of foods is important.
I highly recommend consuming bone broths, not only for the amino acids, but because a compound they contain known as mucopolysaccharides increases the function B and T cells, two of our body’s most important immune system cells. (Wrenshall L, et al. “Modulation of macrophage and B cell function by glycosaminoglycans.” J Leukoc Biol. 1999;66(3):391-400)
Most of us frequently lack enough vitamin D3, the “sunshine”
vitamin. This is almost certainly one supplement that has to be taken in the darker
months of the year, although this vitamin is found in tuna, mackerel, and especially salmon, plus beef liver, mushrooms (maitake and portobello), cheese and egg yokes in smaller amounts. It appears that vitamin D also modulates our immune system so that it does not over-react, potentially killing the person. The death rate in different countries correlates rather astonishingly well with the lack or abundance of vitamin D in those populations. See more about this on the Weather Network's post and a more in-depth discussion on this subject here. This study strongly suggests that having higher vitamin D levels reduces your risk of infection and death from the Covid-19 virus. Why? This medical doctor explains in great detail how vitamin D greatly assists our immune system (it's technical, but well-done). Here is another study concluding that Vitamin D3 is valuable: (
If the bradykinin hypothesis is correct then it is very important that vitamin D levels be strong, as this vitamin likely reduces the bradykinin storm — a massive, runaway buildup of bradykinin in the body that explains all of the symptoms associated with this virus. If infected it may be wise to stop taking any high-blood pressure drugs as these only worsen the bradykinin storm, killing the person. Note: only a health practitioner can determine if this is a wise step to take. For more information about bradykinin and some foods that help to regulate it, click here.
Many of us lack enough zinc, potentially reducing our
sleep and immune function. I love pumpkin seeds, just one source of this
essential mineral. Other sources are shell-fish, legumes such as lentils, chickpeas and beans, hemp and sesame seeds, nuts , cheese and the occasional bite of dark chocolate.
Avoid mega-dosing on supplements: this can be harmful and
is usually a waste of money.
Omega-3 fats from grass-raised animals, fish such as sardines and wild-caught salmon, plus plant-based omega-3's, such as walnuts, flax, chia, & hemp seeds, plus seaweed and algae, activate our immune response and relieve inflammation. Turning down excess inflammation helps prevent a runaway immune response, one cause of death from viral infections. Some omega-3 fats may also modulate the bradykinin storm. It is plausible that people who have sufficient levels of this amino acid and/or vitamin D, both of which appear to modulate our immune systems, are less likely to die from Covid-19. It also appears that melatonin, a common sleep-aid, may also modulate the immune system's response.
Bee propolis, the resin bees produce for their hives, has antiseptic, antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to be beneficial to the immune system, among other benefits. See this article for more information.
Eating a healthy diet of organic foods
(especially avoiding the “dirty dozen”
of highly sprayed foods) often provide a higher amount of nutrients, especially
when it comes to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO foods) such as corn. Do
eat a variety of colourful fresh fruits and vegetables. Ideally these will
occupy about half of your total food intake. Foods, especially organically
grown, offer us the best sources of what our bodies need. Take a look at some
of the more important such foods listed on this site.
The controversial Dr.Rath believes that the coronavirus is hitting some areas harder than others
due to a reduced consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables -which is more
common for poorer people and metropolitan folk, especially in the United States. I add that a lack of contact with healthy soils and nature are also likely contributing. Dr. Rath and others believe that seniors particularly need supplements, as their digestive systems do
not absorb as many nutrients. Again, if you are supplementing your vitamin and mineral intake, I want to strongly encourage using plant-based sources. They are more expensive -but peeing out the non-planted based vitamins is hardly worth our effort.
(This new, and now best-selling book, called "Regenerate" takes the same empowering approach to our health, empowering us to be in our own "driver's seat." Sayer Ji writes, "You are the one who gets to make informed decisions on how you use and nourish the evolutionary miracle that is your body.")
A laboratory has determined that two plants in particular are better at preventing the Covid-19 virus from attaching to a cell's protein ACE2 receptors better than does hydroxychloroquine. The plants? Neem and curcumin. A report on this peer-reviewed study can be read here and the more technical one here,or at: A study also indicates that quercetin has the same action, especially when using the form that is better absorbed (such as Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix™). Now a 2021 research paper indicates that the lowly dandelion may also have the same ACE2 blocking abilities.
Other plants may provide some immunity to this virus. According to this article of a study, compounds found in dark chocolate (cocao) and especially green tea and muscadine grapes may prevent the virus from spreading. How? These compounds provide potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties (which are crucial on their own), but appear to also bind to the “main protease,” (MPro, also called 3CLPro), an extremely important enzyme of the COVID-19 virus. These compounds appear to interfere with the virus' ability to replicate and assemble itself. While pharmaceutical companies are attempting to develop a drug (costing nearly $900) to block this enzyme, the answer may literally be under their noses. There is not much profit to be made when people drink green tea. It also appears that N-acetylcysteine (NAC, for short) may be helpful. NAC, which the body converts to the antioxidant glutathione, can boost the immune system, suppress viral replication, reduce inflammation, AND loosen thick mucus in the lungs, all vitally important when fighting viruses. If interested, click here for an in-depth scientific discussion on these properties.
Blocking the virus's access to the protein ACE2 receptor is considered to be most important. (The peer-reviewed study's report can be read here.)
Evidently those who are obese and/or suffer from diabetes or pre-diabetes are more likely to succumb to viruses and bacteria as their immune system is negatively affected. This article explains why. Therefore it is most important to address these health issues, not only because of Covid-19. And, yes, it is possible to improve health, naturally. Many people have been able to reverse Type 2 diabetes, lose and keep off excess weight and improve their glucose levels. I have!
The master antioxidant, glutathione, offers a variety of health benefits, including helping to clear upper respiratory problems. The supplement called NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) is converted in our bodies to an important amino acid called cysteine, a precursor to glutathione. This article, written by journalist Lynne McTaggart, is most informative. In it she writes, "The science shows that when the body encounters a
virus, glutathione, the mother of all antioxidants, primes the white blood
cells like NK cells and T-cells to mount a tougher counter-attack." Further she reveals that glutathione regulates the immune response so that it does not go crazy and kill the person (called a "cytokine storm"). I understand that in addition to bradykinin storms, cytokine storms are responsible for the majority of Covid-19 deaths. She concludes, "...numerous doctors are finding that patients with higher levels of glutathione recover better and more quickly from Covid-19." Now that is good news!
Here's another natural supplement that may be helpful in prevention and treatment: melatonin. It is known as a sleep aid. But melatonin also exerts significant immune enhancing effects and may be the most helpful to those who are the highest risk of injury or death from this virus.
It is vitally
important that all avoid eating “junk” food -foods or drinks that contain sugar,
table salt, and/or bad fats. In order to digest sugar our bodies give up
nutrients -the very thing we need to fight diseases. Red meat needs to be
limited for a variety of reasons. Just 1 serving a week is usually plenty. Processed
foods especially need to be avoided as consuming these are linked to disease
and early death.
Other things place a load on our immune
system. These include stress (some of which we can control by using the methods
above), smoking, drinking, vaping, exposure to toxic moulds and other indoor
air quality issues. Try to air out your home at least once a day or install a Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) or, as a second choice, use a high quality air filter/purifier. Outdoor air is often healthier than is indoor air. You might also consider
diffusing authentic essential oils as recommended on this site:
It is most important to avoid foods that suppress your immune system. Refined sugar is one of them.
So, if you are
worried about getting the Covid-19 virus, do eat well and take care of your body, soul
and social connections. Doing so may not prevent you from getting sick, but not
doing so will open you up for whatever viruses or other diseases that come along, lead to a worse outcome with Covid-19, and potentially
shorten your life.
Got sick?
If you get sick with the corona-virus, do not use
anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, as doing so may worsen your condition
(inflammation is part of the body’s defense system). If you are becoming
seriously ill then take NAC, plenty of zinc and vitamins C & D3, and (if you are seriously ill) ask your health practitioner to immediately begin
administering large quantities of intravenous vitamin C, perhaps including the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, plus thiamine. There is enough anecdotal evidence suggesting that vitamin C is helpful. It is, however, not (yet) a proven remedy. Convincingly, vitamin C
has been shown to be effective against other viruses. As cited at
"Vitamin C can truthfully be designated as the antitoxic and
antiviral vitamin." (Claus W.
Jungeblut, M.D., Professor, Columbia University College of Physicians and
Surgeons). That’s enough evidence for me. An American physician named Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, M.D, has a 99% success rate at treating his patients who have contracted Covid-19 using mainly natural ingredients, including most mentioned above.
While it is not known whether consuming any form of medicinal plants can defeat the Covid-19 corona-virus, it may be wise to do so anyway.
Nature provides many of the active ingredients found in pharmaceutical drugs because nature safely provides solutions to new and old health issues -without “side-effects.”
Here are plants that are reputed to have natural immune-building benefits (there are many; see others below):
Nature provides many of the active ingredients found in pharmaceutical drugs because nature safely provides solutions to new and old health issues -without “side-effects.”
Here are plants that are reputed to have natural immune-building benefits (there are many; see others below):
· Echinacea
· Garlic
· Ginger
· Ginseng
Green tea
Mushrooms (see below)
Raw honey (not homogenized)
Green tea
Mushrooms (see below)
Raw honey (not homogenized)
Plant-based supplements that are known to boost our immune system include cat’s claw, saw palmetto, and echinacea to stimulate our immune response macrophages, fighter NK-cells and T-cells.
I regularly eat a number of the foods listed above.
After I published this blog a well-versed women suggested I add something about these amazing fungi. She suggested we take a look at this website that lists the medicinal mushrooms that have been used around the world for thousands of years. To quote the site: "Modern research has shown that medical mushrooms provide a rich source of nutrients and bioactive compounds that are associated with several health effects, including supporting the immune system." (bold font added) The article lists several such mushrooms, including Lions Mane, Oyster, Reishi, and Shiitake. Elsewhere I have also seen reference to the Chaga mushroom and its antiviral and anti-inflammatory actions.
Plants containing antiviral properties
Another line of defense or for healing is to help the body kill the virus more directly, by employing plants and plant "essential" oils that are known to be anti-viral.
Here are plants/essential oils (if authentic; most are not) that are anti-viral. The list is long so I am naming the ones that are evidently the strongest agents against viruses in general. Using a variety of these is better against an unknown virus, as the research on plants and the coronavirus has not been done (I believe this is where national governments around the world should be investing at least some of our money as doing might save thousands if not millions of lives). A combination of essential oils (which are more powerful than straight foods) is better. But for those having difficulty breathing leaning over some steaming hot water containing ground ginger has evidently helped a lot of people suffering from other viruses (which includes the common cold) and breathe better.
In alphabetical order I recommend the
following authentic essential oils: Cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, geranium, ginger, hyssop, lemon balm, mandarin, tea tree
(melaleuca), melissa, mountain savory, myrrh, oregano, Ravensara, rosewood,
sage, tarragon, Idaho tansy, thyme, and manuka (as in the honey; the oil is taken from
the actual flowers of the manuka bush).
I want to especially mention Ravensara. It
is perhaps the strongest of the antivirals; Young Living makes a blend called Raven©
that contains plenty of Ravensara and other plant oils that are reputed to aid
breathing. When I used it in February 2020 while suffering from the common flu (a year later I learned that it could have been Covid), my breathing improved very quickly and I fully recovered in just a few days.
Many of the above oils and plants have also
been shown to be anti-bacterial, especially when combined with other plants or
If one is having difficulty with coughing or
breathing, and only has foods on hand, some of the combinations that can be
thrown into the pot of boiling or steamy water and inhale include:
- clove with basil, ginger and spearmint
- oregano with basil or thyme
Either of these can include the addition of manuka honey; else
add the honey to any hot tea and drink it. As mentioned above, black tea may be
the best if you can tolerate the caffeine in it and avoid drinking it later in the day or in the evening.
The Steam Method
Curious about steaming one or more plants?
Here’s the steamy pot method: Place a towel over the person’s head and draped
over the pot (AFTER removing it from the source of heat,) with the person
facing head down toward the heated water. The person must be careful not to
burn themselves! A variety of temperatures and strength of the plant contents
will need to be experimented so that the person does not feel overwhelmed. Some
people, too, like some spices such as ginger more than do others!
Most "essential oils" are not authentic, even when
the label says “pure” (a meaningless term in the retail sector). Even health
food stores often sell poor grade oils. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
I firmly believe that the people who utilise available resources are
likely to do better in life. Practicing
deeper breathing, for example, often helps to calm people down, thus improving
one’s immune system response and makes for a better life. We can choose to eat and live better, including getting enough sleep, exercise and fresh air. These decisions are in our own hands.
We can be passive victims, powerless to do
anything to respond to this pandemic, or we can empower ourselves by taking
action. By deciding to do all that you can for yourself and others you will likely
reduce at least some of your anxiety while boosting your physical, emotional,
spiritual and relational health.
Ian Gartshore is a researcher, counselling therapist, and
health coach. He lives in Nanaimo, B.C.
I agree with your article. Being a passive victim is not my strong suit. About the vitamin d, I have observed a pattern with COVID. The people at most risk are diabetics,auto-immunes disorders and dark skinned people. One common denominator is likely deficient in Vitamin D. The recommended Canadian blood concentration is 20-50 ng/ml (USA 30-70 ng/no). More than 80% of us don’t even make the minimum. I would suggest about 45 ng/ml for best immunity. This does require a blood test and will cost about $65.00. For your protection, you have to know your level. Vitamin K2 is recommended with vitamin D supplementation.
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